
Showing posts from November, 2013

His Perfect Timing: My plans falling apart for His to come together.

What Change looks like for me: ( with a capital 'C' ) I now take cold bucket showers. At least five fresh mosquito bites appear on my body every morning. I share space with a family of fourteen. Rice is my daily intake at every meal including seconds. Village life ain't so bad. I teach english to 13-17 year olds. I wash all my clothes by hand. I live with no air conditioning.  And I am the happiest I have been in quite a while. Hold on. It is not like I wasn't happy before but God has pulled through for me in big ways. Let me explain. It's been exactly a month since I moved to Northeast Thailand, right outside the city of Khon Kaen. A few months ago, my long-term plans to stay in Chanthaburi were falling through as His provision was being crafted... After finishing English camp in Chanthaburi I was on my way to Khon Kaen to visit for a week. Before I left for Khon Kaen, I began to feel like my time and work at the Anuban school was coming ...

Snail Mail Shmail Mail

I've decided to make this public. Instead of giving out my new address to a few close friends I want to give the opportunity to all. Yes, that means YOU. The reason- I absolutely, without a doubt LOVE snail mail. It fills me up when I get any letter, big or small, from someone. Letters, cards, notes make my week! There is something about the spontaneity of receiving a handwritten letter. It helps me feel connected with you half a world away. Cheesy as it sounds, there have been times I have put cards up to my chest because I value you them so much. I am closest to you when you have spoken your heart on a piece of paper. It's true! I hope snail mail never becomes a past time. I am afraid it has in some ways but I will be one who continues to keep it alive and you can too. Posted this on Facebook and posting it here as well. Hello friends and family, for those who don't know I have moved to Khon Kaen. It's in Northeast Thailand. Here is my new mailing address. If...