His Perfect Timing: My plans falling apart for His to come together.
What Change looks like for me: ( with a capital 'C' ) I now take cold bucket showers. At least five fresh mosquito bites appear on my body every morning. I share space with a family of fourteen. Rice is my daily intake at every meal including seconds. Village life ain't so bad. I teach english to 13-17 year olds. I wash all my clothes by hand. I live with no air conditioning. And I am the happiest I have been in quite a while. Hold on. It is not like I wasn't happy before but God has pulled through for me in big ways. Let me explain. It's been exactly a month since I moved to Northeast Thailand, right outside the city of Khon Kaen. A few months ago, my long-term plans to stay in Chanthaburi were falling through as His provision was being crafted... After finishing English camp in Chanthaburi I was on my way to Khon Kaen to visit for a week. Before I left for Khon Kaen, I began to feel like my time and work at the Anuban school was coming ...