His Perfect Timing: My plans falling apart for His to come together.

What Change looks like for me:
(with a capital 'C')

I now take cold bucket showers.
At least five fresh mosquito bites appear on my body every morning.
I share space with a family of fourteen.
Rice is my daily intake at every meal including seconds.
Village life ain't so bad.
I teach english to 13-17 year olds.
I wash all my clothes by hand.
I live with no air conditioning. 

And I am the happiest I have been in quite a while. Hold on. It is not like I wasn't happy before but God has pulled through for me in big ways. Let me explain.

It's been exactly a month since I moved to Northeast Thailand, right outside the city of Khon Kaen. A few months ago, my long-term plans to stay in Chanthaburi were falling through as His provision was being crafted...

After finishing English camp in Chanthaburi I was on my way to Khon Kaen to visit for a week. Before I left for Khon Kaen, I began to feel like my time and work at the Anuban school was coming to an end. Without a doubt I had given my best at the Anuban school but there were unnecessary tensions and road blocks in my potential as a teacher in Chantaburi. I was done walking on egg shells with staff and trying to do my job through petty drama. I was done walking into school feeling uncomfortable. I did my best to focus on the kids as much as I could and to teach them; to love on them through it all.

As a girlfriend put it, "Amy, you have done all you can and there is no more room for you to grow here". 

I put down a faith promise and packed all my stuff in my apartment before I left for Khon Kaen. I knew I would be back to get everything however, I had no idea where I was going next. By folding my clothes it signified my act of faith in God's provision. There were countless times I would meditate on the phrase "I choose to trust you" while cruising down the road on my motor bike. If something was going to change it had to be God doing the work, not me. And I knew I had to actively, daily, moment by moment put my faith and trust in Him first. 

As I spent time in the village with the girls and staff of Breakthrough it was clear of God's perfect, perfect timing; a door was open and an opportunity was awaiting. They needed an English teacher at the local High School. The organization's staff was short one person. They needed someone to be present with the girls and hang out with them; love on them. The more Cori and Jup expressed the qualities in a person to do long-term mission with them, the more I saw myself as that person that fit their need.

Cori and Jup were very upfront and transparent about life in the village and working with a unique mission such as Breakthrough Thailand. They have had several mission workers come, stay and be a part of the team so they knew first hand the personal struggles and adjustments they had to make. I was informed mission work was unglamorous but warmly welcomed by them if I said yes.

Over a bowl of noodles for lunch Cori asked, "Have we scared you away yet?" I paused, looked away trying to consciously be aware of any fears or reservations I had but couldn't think of any.  After the unfiltered conversation and listening to their realistic perspective of village life, there wasn't anything that would hold me back from saying yes. I had already been through six months of adjustment, culture shock and living on my own. I'm beginning to think those times in Chanthaburi were 'trial times'. Times to see how much we will rely on Him and see the blessings in the wilderness before he gifts us.

It was clear that Khon Kaen was where I needed to be.

It was crystal clear of God's provision for my path and how he wants me to be a part in advancing his Kingdom. I got His clarity and reassurance listening to Cori and Jup express characteristics they were looking for in a person to be a part of their mission.

I have been circling Khon Kaen in prayer ever since I arrived in Thailand. I have been asking for others who know me well to pray for me and this potential opportunity of long-term mission. I knew I wanted to invest in this community after I fulfilled my contract in Chanthaburi BUT I had no idea it would be six months sooner! Praises! His plans for our lives are flawless and creative, might I add. The more I rely on Him and let go of my minuet plans for my life the more He enjoys to bless me and show me what is in store for His Kingdom and how I can be a part of it.

As I get older I realize how little control I have over the course of my life. Moving to Thailand and being in vulnerable, stressful situations- sometimes to the point of feeling alone, has brought me to places on the ground, on my knees praying and literally having no one else to resort too but Him. I am thankful for those time. Tensions are a blessed release with the Lord. They are stamps of his faithfulness and nearness. If we wait upon Him and trust in Him, He will answer, in His time and His way. Even if you do have to wait a while. Who knows, sometimes he may answer sooner than you think.

"I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." -Lamentations 3: 24-26

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways", says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55: 8-9 

Please check out Breakthrough's short film below. It is a part of a stream of four stories created by Aoneeight Mission at National Community Church. My prayer is for you to be encouraged, inspired and moved to do God's work
Breakthrough Thailand

Aren't they just absolutely beautiful young women!
Cori is in the center and Jup is hangin' out on the right.
Together we sure do keep on growing.


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