Tomorrow I get baptized in the chesapeake bay and tonight, I just simply can't sleep. I'm nervously excited. I'm glad I am not doing this alone. I've reflected enough. This is HUGE. This is going public with my faith. This is a stamp of devotion to my King. I don't have to be scared because he has brought me through it all and will continue to encourage, guide, hover, teach, heal, love, prune etc. Years from now, in whatever season I am in, I won't ever forget this symbolism of commitment to Christ and pledge of clear conscience before God. He gets the glory from my story. He gets to show off in so many lives tomorrow. WE, US, ALL, EVERYONE get to celebrate tomorrow. This for me, is like, better than christmas morning when I was a child. - - - - - - I made the decision to follow Christ the year after graduating college. Beginning of senior year I had experienced an internal death. It felt like an internal stripping. What I did not know then, wa...