
Showing posts from 2013

Uke Time is Time Well Spent

Just having fun with her (the uke), worshiping, unedited. I messed up a few times, forgot lyrics, got ahead of myself and in the midst was called to dinner.  He is still glorified in my efforts. :)  One of my favorites , How He Loves by John Mark McMillan  Soaking up this time of His coming, spending time waiting while reading the word and playing for Him any chance I can get. Doing an advent devotion with the girls (for the first Christmas in a while, actually).  Anyways, without further ado...

His Perfect Timing: My plans falling apart for His to come together.

What Change looks like for me: ( with a capital 'C' ) I now take cold bucket showers. At least five fresh mosquito bites appear on my body every morning. I share space with a family of fourteen. Rice is my daily intake at every meal including seconds. Village life ain't so bad. I teach english to 13-17 year olds. I wash all my clothes by hand. I live with no air conditioning.  And I am the happiest I have been in quite a while. Hold on. It is not like I wasn't happy before but God has pulled through for me in big ways. Let me explain. It's been exactly a month since I moved to Northeast Thailand, right outside the city of Khon Kaen. A few months ago, my long-term plans to stay in Chanthaburi were falling through as His provision was being crafted... After finishing English camp in Chanthaburi I was on my way to Khon Kaen to visit for a week. Before I left for Khon Kaen, I began to feel like my time and work at the Anuban school was coming ...

Snail Mail Shmail Mail

I've decided to make this public. Instead of giving out my new address to a few close friends I want to give the opportunity to all. Yes, that means YOU. The reason- I absolutely, without a doubt LOVE snail mail. It fills me up when I get any letter, big or small, from someone. Letters, cards, notes make my week! There is something about the spontaneity of receiving a handwritten letter. It helps me feel connected with you half a world away. Cheesy as it sounds, there have been times I have put cards up to my chest because I value you them so much. I am closest to you when you have spoken your heart on a piece of paper. It's true! I hope snail mail never becomes a past time. I am afraid it has in some ways but I will be one who continues to keep it alive and you can too. Posted this on Facebook and posting it here as well. Hello friends and family, for those who don't know I have moved to Khon Kaen. It's in Northeast Thailand. Here is my new mailing address. If...

Blessings Disguised In Setbacks

It is finished! I have everything for work permit and VISA taken care of. Although it took over five months of signing, waiting, VISA runs, doctors appointments, bopping from this building to that building, I have finally breached the end of the wild goose chase. Praises! In the waiting I had to postpone my trip to Khon Kaen. I was discouraged about this but sometimes when we have to wait, other opportunities are calling our name. A few weeks ago I saw a sign go up. It said 'Grace Bible Church'. It was on the main road right outside of campus along a strip of buildings. I've had plans to go but every weekend this month I have been traveling. This was the weekend to go. Since I was waiting on the university to finalize paperwork I knew this was the opportunity to go. What I thought was a setback to my  plans turned out to be a blessing in disguised of being with God's community.  I went to church that morning. It was a family church of about 15 people. I knew the ...

Weekends = Go! Get out! Explore!

Here are snap shots of past weekends. This is my way of catching up on weekend travels over a long period of time. I normally travel with the same group of teachers from the program.   Bangkok is the perfect place to meet up and a great jumping-off point for our adventures.  Unfortunately a few are leaving the country. Their semesters are up and they are continuing their journeys elsewhere...  Ko Chang In the beginning of August four of us went to Ko Chang for the Holiday. It was Mother's Day which happens to lie on the Queen's Birthday, August 12. Ko Chang is the second largest island in Thailand. I happen to live 2 hours away by public transit. There is lots to do on the island as well as lots of area to explore. We basked in some sunshine (for once), played Frisbee with the locals, stayed in a bungalow for less than $7 and another teacher and I swung from the trees in Ko Chang's lush jungle . Kayla, brave as she can be. George, George, George of the...

Updating or the lack there of...

I saw a baby elephant in the heart of downtown Chanthaburi! Unfortunately I was on my scooter when I passed it or I would have snapped a picture. I feel like I've lost a little bit of the tourist in me and I want that vibe back. These are BIG moments for a westerner!!!! It's been four months. Hope to update thoroughly some time in this grand month of September. Monsoon season is coming to an end! Transitioning into... non-monsoon season. It's not dry season next. That starts in January, I think.

Weekend in Chan

(delayed post from a month ago) The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. I had to make a VISA run because my working VISA (Non-Immigration B) was going to expire. The University will not have any documents by the time my VISA expires so off to another country I went to renew it. It seems like there is a significant lack of communication between our mini school and the higher ups at the University. Long story short, I went to Laos trusting that my school had given me all the valid documents to apply for a new working VISA. I was denied the working VISA because my school did not provide me with legitimate documents. I ended up getting a tourist VISA instead and pretty much figured all of this out on my own because once again, the University doesn't know what they are doing or how to prepare their teachers for a business trip. Such is life. However, I wouldn't change my trip to Laos for anything. Yes there were situations I felt paralyzed in because I didn't know what t...

A Few Updates

Here are a few: The past two weeks have been all about rice. From learning how it is grown to making crafts with uncooked rice to watering our own plants, the kids have fully understood the word "kao" or rice.  The grand finale of our rice-themed weeks took place at a rice field.  Parents and several staff from our school came. All of the kids piled in on one bus to experience an adventure of a life time. Our Mini English Program got to plant their very own rice right outside of town. It got messy real fast.  so. much. fun. I want to go again and plant.  Look Nam showing off her play-dough rice patty.  Ms. Bed Head can really create masterpieces!  Preme and his stacked 'rice'. So proud.  Anything to exercise our fine motor skills. I am nurturing something! My plant actually has three buds now.  Super excited that I am not killing it.  Went to Bangkok this past weekend for business and go...