Weekend in Chan

(delayed post from a month ago)

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind.

I had to make a VISA run because my working VISA (Non-Immigration B) was going to expire. The University will not have any documents by the time my VISA expires so off to another country I went to renew it. It seems like there is a significant lack of communication between our mini school and the higher ups at the University. Long story short, I went to Laos trusting that my school had given me all the valid documents to apply for a new working VISA. I was denied the working VISA because my school did not provide me with legitimate documents. I ended up getting a tourist VISA instead and pretty much figured all of this out on my own because once again, the University doesn't know what they are doing or how to prepare their teachers for a business trip. Such is life.

However, I wouldn't change my trip to Laos for anything. Yes there were situations I felt paralyzed in because I didn't know what to do next and I prepared only for the expected out come. But on the flip side, I learned a lot about the system AND I got to dabble in a little bit of the Laos culture. I thoroughly enjoyed the people I met and places I saw.

Before I left Sunday morning, a teacher friend from Klaeng (an hour away) came to town Friday evening. We ended up going out to eat with a thai friend. She is a student at Rambhai Barni University, where I teach.  We ate at a thai restaurant with american style food. It was such a great time. Fah speaks english well and on top of that she is wonderful company. Sometimes I see her during my lunch breaks at the Canteen (dining hall) and it's always nice to catch up. It's nice to see a familiar face.

Earlier that day, Kiara (teacher friend) and I explored the Gem market of Chanthaburi. It. Is. Busy. I finally know my way around the downtown area. It only took several times of getting lost to figure it out. :)

Chantaburi Riverside/I love taking this route. 
It hasn't gotten old yet.

We ate at a middle eastern place. It was delicious. I got a chicken dish. The chicken was cooked to perfection and had crispy parts of the skin sprinkled on top. We had a side of naan to go with it. They called it platha.

We walked around the lake. this is 'totes' default worthy.

King Taskin The Great of Chantaburi
Center of the lake

There are areas where you can buy pellets and feed the fish.
The fish go crazy for food. The catfish are hilarious. They just stick their wide mouths open in hopes of catching the pellets. It's quite entertaining to watch.

Some like to feed the pigeons which freaks me out. Pigeons are gross.

My home.

Checked out the blockbuster of Chantaburi and Kiara befriended a hot sailor. ;)

Mmmm spicy spaghetti. It sure was spicy. Mai ped doesn't mean Mai ped.

As you can tell I put forth the effort in picking out the little devils.

...and then we feasted some more. This dessert mainly consisted of bread and chocolate ice cream with corn flakes and beans. I didn't know how I felt about the soaked bread pieces in the ice cream. It made for an interesting texture. I could have done without them. 


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