In the beginning...

School started this past Thursday. Let's just say, I came home and had no idea what just happened. It was a whirlwind. I didn't know my place.  It included lots of observing and helping the other teachers and playing with the kids. Day by day the pieces of the puzzle will come together- adaptation is messy.

I work with wonderful Thai teachers. It truly is a team effort at this school to create the best learning environment. For the most part I will be in MEP 1 (Mini Education Program 1; 2 1/2-3 year olds) but may teach other levels in the months to come.

Perspective change:
Imagine being a 3 year old and going to school for the very first time with 19 other peers.  You might only have to interact with one or two siblings at home or none and all of sudden you are placed in an enclosed area to some how get along with 19 others, follow directions, pay attention and establish routine.

All of this at once.

Without a doubt that has to be daunting and overwhelming. Lots of the children had hysterical break downs due too a multitude of reasons but one that was very apparent- separation anxiety from their parents.

One little girl by the name of Erng (the sound of someone punching you in the stomach + ng; pronounced 'ugh'+ng) was having a really hard time adjusting the first day.  She was hysterically crying and didn't know what to do with herself.

Okay, we're going to go on a walk. I took her hand and led her down the hall directly outside the school. She needed to release so much built up -ish. We walked straight out the front doors and went on a walk. I tried to steer her back towards the school when we were about to meet the street but she pushed away. to be expected.

*Sigh* okay 

My inclination was to pick her up if she was not going to independently walk back towards the school. While carrying her we walked around the school only to meet a dead end. How can I get her mind off of her emotions of crying for her mother?

Flowers to my right- I picked a mini purple flower and showed it to her with interest. With no hesitation at all she smacked that thing right out of my hand.


Erng had a lot to say. Of course I couldn't understand any of it through her sobbing, wailing  or thai but that didn't matter. She needed to get it out (I understand that much) so I am going to listen intentionally and nod.

She just wanted to be understood. I get it. I will listen then, to all she has to say. To the pauses as she gasps for air, to her intonation, to her facial expressions. I nod some more as we slowly make our way back to the classroom. I dropped her off my hip, held her hand as we walked back into the school through a different entrance.  She still kept chatting and sobbing profusely. Just keep nodding and 'mmm-ing' Amy.

We gradually transitioned back into the classroom.

The day didn' t get much better for her. I can't remember but I'm pretty sure she cried herself to sleep during nap time- self soothing. That is a positive. The next day she felt more comfortable and started makings friends with her peers.

Don't we all want someone to listen to us?

Don't we all want to be understood?

Prayers for God's wisdom and discernment of my role as I teach them english. Prayers to understand my role as a teacher, to put their highest good at the fore front of my heart before I begin the day. Prayers to learn from them every day as much as they are learning from me. Prayers to be what they need me to be for them to grow into independent little human beings. 

I am trusting you Lord. 

And prayers for God's grace while doing all of this.

Satit School of Rambhai Bani Rajhabhat University 

 MEP 1 Welcomes Everyone. That means, :)

To my right is one of the University's Art Professors! Super Nice gentleman.
To the right of the lady in blue is the President of the University. The other English teacher and I, along with several Thai Teachers were privileged to have coffee with him. The Dean of Education is also in the mix. This day was the day before school started. A monk ceremony was held at the school. 

Preme. He is an inclined artist in the making. 

Angle. She is so precious.
Her Grandad? Dad? Brought a bag of mangosteen to give to the teachers. 
I ate Mangosteen for the first time! de-lic-ious 

Erng. She loves to include others during play time.

Ick. He is still adjusting to the idea of 'school' 
He has lots of energy when he is not crying.

 Non. Isn't he just the cutest chunker you've ever seen!
He totally has a mullet. You can't see it.

 I forget her name. Maybe Look Naam? 
She is a doll.

 Getting ready to leave.  In a pensive state of mind.
Ready to go home maybe.

Focus. A great bundle of joy.


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