Obedience in Pruning

I cut my hair.

Why?... Why not? stream line of thoughts. go:

-I am moving to a foreign country

-short hair is low maintenance- cha ching!

-ALL is exposed- even my giraffe neck. Parts of my hair/head have not seen light in quite some time.

-The wind feels tingly against my little hairs now.

-For the first few hours it felt like I had a something glued to my head....? explain that one.

-I had complete trust in my hair dresser- although I closed my eyes half the time and felt the excess fall. I asked her to keep cutting. keep pruning!

-I will save water (and 'shower together' haa haa not that kind of saving) and save dabbles of shampoo and conditioner. cha-ching!

-Hair takes 30 seconds to style. cha-ching!

-As it grows out it will take different forms! super pumped about this aspect.

-My Papaw said I look like Julie Andrews. SO OKAY with that! I will have kids to sing-a-long with, soon..

-I needed immediate change...God has been doing a lot of cutting back and cutting out in my life and this is how I wanted to respond in obedience

-It's also HOT in Thailand. One less thing to maintain, really.

-What do I have to loose? Nothing. Except a foot of hair and yet I have everything to gain from this experience.

-Allowing Him to bear spiritual fruit in my life where He is pruning. This is a process of daily listening and abiding in Him.

-With short hair, you simply look older. The other day, (when I HAD hair) a dude asked if I was in high school- pissed me off. Would I be at the Bull Pen in D.C. if I was 17? Better yet, how old are you and why would you be asking me that question anyway? creep. (I didn't say this.)

-Whenever I am anxious, uptight, tense I find myself gripping at whats left of my hair... more gripping leads to more messy look leads to TOTAL point of short, short hair.

-my facial features pop- I am completely vulnerable and it feels liberating. After hair cut, one of my guy friends looked at me deer-in-headlights.. YOLO.

-I don't need a hair brush... one less thing to put in my luggage.

- First day of hair cut, I kept scaring my mom in the house... opps! It does take some getting used to.

-Short hair fuels internal confidence. period.

"Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away. And every branch that does bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:2 

 Trusting in Him.

I leave tomorrow.


  1. short hair, don't care! wear it proud, kiddo -- and i'm sure you'll be glad for it in the thai heat. (maybe we can finally meet when you get back stateside!)
    -- raleigh (elise's cousin!)
    p.s. your mom was SO sweet to our grandma during her illness, and we love her for it!

  2. I'm so new to this commenting part. Raleigh, you are my first comment....ever! So thanks! I emailed you back but responding again because comments are cool. Couldn't agree more about meeting up. one day :)


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