I want to hold your hand.

I'm on my second plate of hash browns that I made from scratch.

Let's just say today was a rough day at school. I am emotionally drained and going to bed after this.

I feel like I haven't experienced the joy of His presence the past few days. Just when my heart speaks of that longing, a sister in Christ emails me a little testimony with a profound message of value in waiting for His perfect timing.

A moment of prayer happened between her and a dear friend. When we wait upon God He will show Himself to be faithful. This act of prayer between the two has been circled in prayer for several years. And it happened. Glory be to Him. When we yield to God, He yields into us.

And I got to witness this through her email. Tears of joy mixed with exhaustion streamed down my face. This little testimony brought second-hand joy of His goodness, faithfulness and almighty power. He is the great pursuer of our hearts.

This was enough for me to know He is near and on opposite sides of the world, He is working in my friend's life. Just enough second-hand joy for me to get through one more day of school.

I'm ready for a two day break.

- - - -
No one can take your testimony away from you. It's first-hand proof of how God works in your life. He is inherently relational.  It's okay if it isn't pretty. Mine isn't either.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

While we pray without ceasing, it's important to be still and listen in prayer as well. 


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