You go before me, You stand behind me

Ya'll, as time in the states is fleeting faster than I want to admit, the holy spirit is constantly, overwhelming my heart and refining areas I thought were permanently wounded.

- God closed a door on what I thought was a potential relationship 
-reconciliation with a past relationship in the form of a phone call
-sharing my testimony and being utterly vulnerable as voice shakes, has brought a voice and healing to another sister in christ
-provision and pruning through out my walk with the Lord
-boldness to say 'No' and stand firm with Holy confidence!
-romans 5:5 all up in this heart of mine: the holy spirits protection and shield has been established! 
-setting boundaries and gaining right relationship with family member
-yeildedness to God's ways in family dynamics 
-incredible women of faith who have been a source of mentorship an lordship in my life
-constant prayer for combating loneliness when I get over to Thailand. 

Prayers for this right relationship not to leave and sustain! The Lord WILL test me. It's a sweet dying to my preference and expectations. Prayers for the Holy Spirit to continue to work in my life as I move to a foreign country where communicating is going to be a challenge and loneliness will tempt my heart. Prayers for the Lord to place other believers in Christ on my path and if not to reveal Him to those in community, when it is on His timing. 


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